Thursday, May 19, 2022

219 years freedom from slavery in Haiti

219 years of freedom in Haiti 

The flag of Haiti was created in 1803, adopted in 1820, and made official in 1843. The 1987 Constitution of Haiti confirms in the text the historical identity of the Haitian flag, which is recognized as the emblem of the Republic.

The flag of Haiti is blue and red, arranged in two horizontal bands of equal length.

This flag is inspired by the tricolor French flag, adopted by the French Revolution, whose white part, considered the symbol of the white race and not of royalty, has been torn. On May 18, 1803, during the congress of Arcahaie, bringing together all the leaders of the Haitian Revolution, Jean-Jacques Dessalines tore off the central white part of the French tricolor flag. Catherine Flon took the two remaining pieces, blue and red, and sewed them together to symbolize the union of blacks and mulattoes and create the flag of Haiti of the Republic of Haiti. The flag presents in its center a coat of arms with rifles and cannons, copying the header of the French generals of the Santo Domingo expedition1.

Headed paper of French generals during the Saint-Domingue expedition.

Under the Duvalier dictatorship, from 1964 to 1986, it was replaced by a red and black flag.

Ten days after the overthrow of Jean-Claude Duvalier, on February 17, 1986, the historic national flag was officially rehabilitated and confirmed by the 1987 constitution voted in the referendum of March 29, 1987.

The arms of the Republic are: The palm tree surmounted by the cap of freedom and, shading with its palms, a trophy of arms with the legend: “Unity is strength”.

Since 1938, the patriotic song Fière Haïti, also known as "Hymne à la jeunesse", written in 1937 by Édouard Antonin Tardieu, following competition from the Ministry of National Education, and whose music was composed by Desaix Baptiste, is sung every May 18, Flag Day. It is also sung during the raising of flags, especially in schools. Wikipedia

The historicity of the flag

The French flag flew over the French colony of Santo Domingo for more than a century until February 1803. The black leader, the precursor to independence, Toussaint Louverture, adopted the French tricolor in 1798. In January 1801, he was appointed governor and directed the whole island, then by the constitution of July 8, 1801, became Governor for life. In June 1802, Toussaint Louverture was taken prisoner by Napoleon Bonaparte and deported to France, where he died.

In February 1803, at the Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the leader of the Black insurgents, and Alexandre Pétion, the leader of the Mulattoes, decided to no longer fight alongside the French. During the Arcahaie Congress on May 18, 1803, Dessalines removed the white band from the colonial emblem to give birth to the first Haitian standard symbolizing the union of mulattoes and blacks in the struggle for their freedom. It had the motto "Liberty or Death" written on it. Dessalines was then appointed general-in-chief of the army of the insurrection. Catherine Flon, the daughter-in-law of Dessalines' wife, was in charge of sewing the two bands, blue and red.

On November 18, 1803, the capitulation of the French troops at Vertières sealed the independence of Haiti. On January 1, 1804, the leaders of the Revolution decided to change the flag by arranging the colors horizontally. It was the first official flag of the free and independent Republic. The Constitution of 1843 will confirm this horizontal two-tone flag (article 192).

On October 8, 1804, Dessalines proclaimed himself emperor under the name of Jacques 1er. It then adopted, on May 20, 1805, a new black and red vertical flag. These colors symbolized the words: "Freedom" (red) or "Death" (black).

After the events of October 17, 1806 at Pont Rouge, where Jean-Jacques Dessalines was assassinated, the country, for 14 years, was divided into two parts, on the one hand the North and on the other hand, the South and the West. . , governed respectively by Alexandre Pétion and Henri Christophe. Alexandre Pétion redesigned the flag the same year, using the blue and red of 1804, adding "L'Union fait la force" and a square of white cloth in the middle of which were placed the arms of the Republic adorned with the cap of liberty ( Phrygian cap). This flag flew above the National Palace for 158 years until 1964.

On December 27, 1806, General Henri Christophe was appointed president and was recognized by the North, the North-West and later, in 1807, by the Arbonites. On March 28, 1811, he proclaimed himself king under the name of Henry I (1811-1820). The Emperor kept the colors of the imperial standard of the Kingdom of the North (1805) but slid the red band on the side of the mast with in the middle, an escutcheon with a phoenix surmounted by five gold stars on a blue background. A crown is arranged above the phoenix and in the circle, a Latin inscription 'ex cinerebus nascitur' "from the ashes, I will be reborn". The kingdom of Henry I was abolished in 1818 following the conquest of the North by Alexandre Pétion, proclaimed president on March 19, 1807, and who imposed the blue, red, horizontal flag. Jean-Pierre Boyer succeeded him on October 8, 1820 but kept the same flag.

On February 9, 1822, Jean-Pierre Boyer annexed the Spanish part of the island (today the Dominican Republic) which, a few months earlier, on November 30, 1821, proclaimed its independence from Spain under the name of "Republica del Haiti espanol". ""Spanish Republic of Haiti" and at the same time, its union with Gran Colombia. The flag of the Spanish Republic of Haiti was raised in the first weeks of 1822, but it was the flag of Gran Colombia in A Republic that Boyer wasted no time in dissolving.

An attempt to rehabilitate the black and red flag, undertaken in 1844, was a failure. In 1847, Faustin Soulouque was elected president and in 1849, proclaimed himself emperor under the name of Faustin I (1849-1859). In its Constitution of 1849, it adopts the blue and red flag but replaces the coat of arms with a crest. The Empire of Faustin I came to an end on January 15, 1859 and the coat of arms of the Republic returned to its original place, in the center of the flag.

François Duvalier, Papa Doc, was elected president in 1957 and in 1960 seized all the powers. In 1963, he created the single party. A new Constitution was adopted on May 25, 1964, which adopted the black and red flag. The latter was officially confirmed on June 21, 1964. However, the coat of arms of the Republic was retained. Duvalier died on April 21, 1971 and was replaced by his son, Jean Claude, proclaimed president for life. Following a popular revolt, Jean Claude left power in February 1986.

On February 17, 1986, 10 days after the departure of Jean-Claude Duvalier, the nation readopted the blue and the red which would be ratified a year later, on March 29, 1987, during the plebiscite on the 1987 Constitution.

Images 2022

Published by Black Wall News

What you need to know right now about Ukraine and Russia

 Ukraine and Russia: What you need to know right now

Moscow said 1,730 Ukrainian fighters surrendered to Mariupol in three days, including 771 in the past 24 hours, demanding surrender on a much larger scale than kyiv has acknowledged since ordering its garrison to withdraw.


* Ukraine's Territorial Defense Force said its fighters blew up an armored train carrying Russian troops. Still, an adviser to President Volodymyr Zelinskiy later said the attack was limited to the tracks near the train.

* More than half of the Ukrainian fighters in the bunkers under the Azovstal steelworks have surrendered, the leader of the rebel Russia-backed Donetsk region says, and the International Committee of the Red Cross says that he recorded them.

* The head of the World Health Organization has urged Russia to ensure safe access to places in Ukraine that its troops control or besiege to enable health care delivery.

* A Ukrainian prosecutor on Thursday asked a court to sentence a Russian soldier to life in prison for killing an unarmed civilian in the first war crimes trial stemming from the February 24 Russian invasion.

* The White House is working on getting advanced anti-ship missiles into the hands of Ukrainian fighters to help defeat the Russian naval blockade, officials said, as more powerful weapons that could sink Russian warships step up the dispute.


* Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said he and finance ministers from the wealthy Group of Seven countries had discussed "practical steps" to help Ukraine recover from the war with Russia.

* Group of Seven financial leaders is expected to agree on Thursday and Friday about $15 billion to help Ukraine pay its bills in the coming months.

* US President Joe Biden met with Swedish and Finnish leaders on Thursday to advance their demands to join the NATO military alliance in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as Turkey repeated its opposition to this decision.

* Russian Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley held a phone call, RIA news agency reported on Thursday, citing the Russian ministry of the defense.

* The European Parliament has called for former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to be blacklisted if he does not leave the board of Russian state oil company Rosneft in a bid also to dissuade him from taking a job as management at Gazprom (MCX:GAZP).


* Ukraine has exported 643,000 tons of grain since the beginning of May, considerably less than the same period last year when it sold 1.8 million tons abroad, the report said. The Minister of Agriculture.

* UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was in 'intense contact' with Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, the United States, and the European Union in a bid to restore exports of Ukrainian cereals as the global food crisis worsens.

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Repost by Black Wall News

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Hacker Unlocks and Starts Tesla Vehicle


Hacker Unlocks and Starts Tesla Vehicle

Security consultant, Sultan Qasim Khan, has discovered a way to utilize vehicle protocols on Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) Model 3 and Y cars to unlock and start the vehicle. Kahn is also able to roll down windows and adjust the radio using the technique.

The hack, Khan said, isn’t specific to Tesla, but utilizes the vehicle's keyless entry system, which relies on what’s known as a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol. BLE protocol was designed to conveniently link devices together over the internet, though it’s also emerged as a method that hackers exploit to unlock smart technologies including house locks, cars, phones and laptops, Khan said.

NCC Group said it was able to conduct the attack on several other carmakers and technology companies’ devices.

There’s no evidence that thieves have used the hack to improperly access Tesla vehicles. Khan said he had disclosed the potential for the attack to Tesla and that company officials didn’t deem the issue a significant risk.

By Michael Elkins in Investing

Repost by Black Wall News.

Friday, May 6, 2022

International Model United Nations (IMUN) Conference

International Model United Nations

I am Philippe Davenson Azor from #haiti. I will use my voice in support of the #international Model #United Nations. At International MUN #Indonesia 2022, I am ready to share inspiring ideas and transform the world. I pledge to use my empathetic #skills to transcend boundaries and establish peace. At , my #voice #matters!

About International Model United Nations

International MUN brings youth together from around the world to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds in its offline & online Model United Nations conferences. International MUN has hosted MUN conferences in 5 different countries in the last 4 years i.e in Thailand, Vietnam, Egypt, China & Malaysia. Next IMUN conferences in 2022 are scheduled in the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea and in other SEA countries. 

International MUN is supported by the UNHCR India & has been previously sponsored and supported by the United Nations specialized organizations like UNDP, UNESCO, IOM as well as by The Australian Embassy in Vietnam & Thailand. IMUN is recruiting Interns from different schools & universities with some exciting benefits like professional tamper-proof IMUN Participation certificates, Letter of Recommendation & Appreciation, sponsored trips to the next IMUN conferences, Incentives etc.

What is Model United Nations (MUN) ?

International Model United Nations is an educational simulation in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. At an IMUN conference, students work as the representative of a country and must solve a problem with other delegates from around the world. IMUN teaches participants skills like research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership.

It is meant to engage students and allow them to develop deeper understanding into current world issues.

Delegates conduct research before conferences: they formulate position papers and create policy proposals that they will debate with other delegates in their committee. At the end of a conference, delegates will vote on written policies, called draft resolutions, with the goal of passing them with a majority vote. The best-performing delegates in each committee are recognized with awards.

The benefits of attending a MUN?

Preparing and participating in a MUN helps students develop leadership skills, research, writing, public speaking, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, coming up with solutions that are acceptable to a majority of the representatives also inculcates skills of negotiation, conflict resolution, and cooperation.

Here are 10 important ways that participating in a MUN can help you in the future:
1. Worldly Knowledge                           2. Confidence-Building
3. Analytical Skills                                 4. Problem-Solving Skills
5. Diplomacy                                          6. Public Speaking
7. Networking                                         8. Writing Skills
9. Leadership Skills                              10. College Applications

You can sign up now. Click Here

Does participating in an IMUN help in college applications ?

IMUNs are known for their quality, high standards, and difficulty levels, and participating in one will work as an asset when you apply for colleges and/or jobs. Top Ivy League colleges such as Yale and Harvard have been known to give additional consideration to students who have attended MUNs.

Even Indian universities are beginning to hold profile-based admissions (such as Liberal Arts colleges), where they assign significant weightage to extra-curricular activities.

Admissions officers and job interviewers look for candidates with discipline, confidence, analytical ability, and problem-solving skills; all traits that are exemplified by participating in IMUNs.

@international_mun #imun #imun2022 #indonesia #jakarta #mun #modelunitednations #internationalmun #global #opportunity #conference #students #education #youth #globalopportunity #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #youngleaders #unitednations #un #munconference

Editor by Azor Philippe Davenson

Editor by Black Wall News 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Cold Email Sequence Elon Musk Sent Twitter’s Board


In early April, when Elon Musk declared he was going to buy Twitter, it seemed like another outrageous statement in his long line of high-profile, odd, boredom-driven outrageous statements.

But this wasn’t just Elon Musk making empty promises, like when he said he’d spend money to cure world hunger. No, this time he decided to do something more meaningful with his wealth and actually purchase Twitter.

Twitter’s board of directors, however, would require some serious convincing.

And it turns out Elon Musk sent each member of Twitter’s board a series of cold emails encouraging them to accept his offer and sell him the company. 

How do we know? Because like most pros sending cold emails these days, he used GMass.

Now that the Twitter board has agreed to sell to Elon, he was so grateful to GMass he shared his entire cold email series with us, and told us we could share it as well.

Here, exclusively, is the cold email series Elon Musk sent to Twitter’s board of directors to convince them to sell the company to him.

Email #1 – Sent 4/11/22, after turning down a Twitter board seat due to his larger plans

The first email: The proposal

Elon Musk's first cold email to Twitter.

Subject line:

So I’ve got a proposal for you…


Dear {TwitterBoardMemberFirstName},

Elon here. Wanted to reach out to you with a little offer…

As you know by now, I turned down the opportunity to join you on the board. It was a difficult decision, because I admire what you’ve done in your career:


But joining the board meant I’d be capped at owning 14.9% of Twitter. I’m aiming for 100%.

So I wanted you to be the first to know I’m planning to make an offer to buy the entire company. And I hope you’ll be on board. (Get it? Board? Because you’re on the board? I’m quite good at making normal human jokes.)

Please reply to let me know if I can count on your support,

– Elon 

What we like about this cold email

Elon uses some excellent cold email strategy here.

We like his cold email subject line a lot: It piques curiosity and most likely drove a strong open rate.

His use of personalization is also good. He clearly researched each person on his list; then he used GMass’s feature to personalize entire paragraphs sharing what he learned about their accomplishments. (Although it’s a good thing his recipients won’t see the name of the Gmail mail merge field name he used.)

Elon makes use of humor here, or at least his definition of humor. Humor can be quite powerful in a cold email, as it creates a feeling of familiarity, warms up a recipient, and can motivate them to respond when they otherwise might not.

Finally, Elon uses a single call-to-action here, asking for a reply — it’s clear what his desired outcome is from this email. If he gets a reply, the auto follow-up sequence will stop going to this board member; if he doesn’t get the reply, they’ll get the next message in the series.

Email #2 – Sent 4/13/22, right before he went public with his offer

The second email: A follow-up with a greater sense of urgency

Elon Musk's second cold email to Twitter.

Subject line:

(none, sent as a reply to the previous message)


Hey {TwitterBoardMemberFirstName},

Elon again. Wanted to let you know I’m going public at 4:20 A.M. with my offer to buy Twitter.

I was hoping to have your full support before I do. If you reply TODAY to let me know you support me, I’ll tweet you a shoutout. I’m sure you’ll get quote tweets from Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and maybe even Kid Rock, which is huge.

Anyway, let me know. It’s only logical for me to take Twitter private to help it finally reach its true potential. Because we can’t have corporations thinking they know what’s best for people. Only billionaires know what’s best for people.

– Elon

What we like about this cold email

We like that Elon sent this as a reply to the previous email, rather than starting a new thread with a new subject line. Sending follow-ups as replies — super simple to do with GMass — makes cold emails look more like personal one-on-one emails.

Elon also creates a greater sense of urgency with this email, sweetening his request with an exciting offer — that comes with a ticking clock. (A Kid Rock retweet!?!? That opportunity would make anyone say bawitdaba da bang da bang something something diggy something something and up down the boogie.)

All in all, this is another convincing cold email and a strong automated follow-up.

Email #3 – Sent 4/15/22, after the Twitter board announced its poison pill strategy to thwart Elon’s purchase

The third email: Quelling a major concern

Elon Musk's third cold email to Twitter

Subject line:

Poison ☠️? Here’s the antidote


{TwitterBoardMemberFirstName}… so you decided to go the poison pill route.

I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it. Everyone’s calling this a hostile takeover. Which is crazy.

There’s nothing hostile about me! (Ignore the flamethrowers I sold, k thx.)

I’m not hostile! I offered to buy Twitter at $54.20 a share. See? I put “420” in there. I’m a child. Everyone else outgrows 420 jokes by the time they’re 19. Not me. I’m a 50-year-old literal child. Totally harmless.

If only the company had become a little more profitable in the 10 years you’ve had to grow it, I could’ve made an offer for $69.69. See! 69! I’m a harmless man baby.

Please let me know if you’ve changed your mind and you’ll accept my offer.

– Elon

What we like about this cold email

Here in his third email, Elon tried to put the board members’ minds at ease over their concerns.

The third email in a cold email series can be a good time for that: Anticipating a prospect’s key concerns and proactively explaining why their hesitation is unfounded.

This email uses a new subject line, meaning Elon didn’t send it as a reply to the prior emails. However, he did use GMass’s “force prior message” feature, which still put his previous messaging history into the email as if it were a reply. That, again, closely simulates a one-on-one email and is an effective cold email technique.

Email #4 – Sent 4/16/22, after it became clear no one was coming to save Twitter

The fourth email: Pushing hard for the close

Elon Musk's fourth email to Twitter

Subject line:

(none, sent as a reply to the previous message)


Hey {TwitterBoardMemberFirstName}, Elon here again.

So it appears no white knight is coming to acquire Twitter and save you from me.

Although I still don’t know why you need saving!

I know you only own {MeagerHoldingStakeofBoardMember} shares, but you won’t get a more lucrative deal than mine to cash ‘em out. 

Plus you can always get on another social media board. I hear Truth Social is really taking off.

Hahahaha. See? I make jokes in every situation. 

Let me know if you’re finally ready to sell.

– Elon

Elon is pushing even harder for a reply in this email. His cold email sequence is wrapping up soon, and he’s ready to close the deal.

So here, he demonstrates two crucial elements of any successful cold email. One, he lays out how he’s providing a unique service they can’t get anywhere else. And two, he spells out how it will personally benefit the recipient financially.

If you can use a cold email to show you’re the only one who can provide a service with clear, tangible, enticing benefits, you should see a good amount of traction.

Email #5 – Sent 4/22/22, two days before meeting with the board

The fifth email: The last shot

Elon Musk's fifth email to the Twitter board

Subject line:

{TwitterBoardMemberFirstName}, don’t be the only holdout


Hey {TwitterBoardMemberFirstName},

The board is meeting in a couple of days to discuss my offer and pretty much everyone else is in. The rest of the board wants it. The shareholders want it. The users want it. You don’t want to be the only one who’s out, right?

I wanted to take one more shot to clear up any last concerns to get you on the team before Sunday.

  • I will get rid of the bots on Twitter. How? I can spot a bot a mile away. We have a kinship, me and them.
  • Edit button! And it won’t just be an internal edit button I can use to fix tweets that say mean things about me. Or when I accidentally call someone a “pedo guy” when I meant to call him a “pedagogue.” Classic typo.
  • I am not here for chaos. I already own one Boring Company, and I want Twitter to be another boring company. Way less drama and no one organizing government coups.
  • I promise I’m not just spending $44 billion so I can read everyone’s DM history. I would never do that on my first day owning the company.
  • My promise of totally free speech won’t bring out the racists. I admit, growing up in South Africa in the ‘70s and ‘80s I didn’t see much racism. Or sunlight. But I have to imagine everything outside was fine, race relations-wise, outside of our mansion. I’ll bring that unifying spirit to Twitter.
  • Think what you will about me, but Zuckerberg is worse, full stop. 

Don’t be the only holdout! Let me know you’ll support me buying Twitter. I won’t have a board as the sole owner, but I will need some consultants, and there’s only one slot left.

– Elon

What we like about this cold email

Elon takes his final shot here and aims big. 

He uses a merge tag to add the recipients’ names in the subject line — GMass makes it easy to use merge tags in the subject or message — to make sure he grabs their attention.

Throughout the email, he uses top cold email copywriting techniques like FOMO and scarcity to entice the board members to support him. There’s social proof that supporting him is the popular decision — “pretty much everyone else on the board is in.” 

And at the end of the email, he dangles the scarce, lucrative consulting spot. It’s the last card he has to play and is his strongest. Plus the scarcity of the deal is a clever way to get a cold email recipient to act immediately.

In the middle, he uses a bulleted list to counter points of resistance his prospect might have. Bulleted lists are easily consumable and it’s good to employ them when you need to convey lots of information in a longer-than-average cold email.

And we know this email series worked, because the board unanimously agreed to sell to Elon at their meeting.

Want to send your own amazing cold email series to complete a hostile takeover? (Or maybe to do something else?)

I’m not sure how many of you reading this are in a position to pull off $44 billion hostile takeovers (if you are, we would be willing to have you hostilely take over GMass for like 1/40th of that amount, give us a shout).

But you probably do have some reason to send cold emails or mass emails. Whether it’s to find new clients, make sales, or even just invite everyone in the PTA to an end-of-the-year fundraiser BBQ, you could use a great email outreach platform.

Like Elon Musk, you’ll find what you need with GMass.

It’s a cold email and mass email platform that lives right inside Gmail — you won’t have to learn a new system, because using GMass is just like sending your regular email.

You can create a personalized mail merge from a Google Sheet. Send automated follow-up sequences like Elon did with personalization techniques that make each email look like it was sent individually — from sending as replies to personalized images and attachments.

GMass has a huge suite of deliverability tools to help you make sure your emails wind up in the inbox, not the spam folder. And you can even use it to break Gmail’s daily sending limits to send virtually unlimited emails.

To get started for free, just download the GMass extension from the Chrome web store.

You’ll be up and running —

Whoa, looks like Elon is sending more emails. Sign up free with GMass now!

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