Thursday, May 19, 2022

219 years freedom from slavery in Haiti

219 years of freedom in Haiti 

The flag of Haiti was created in 1803, adopted in 1820, and made official in 1843. The 1987 Constitution of Haiti confirms in the text the historical identity of the Haitian flag, which is recognized as the emblem of the Republic.

The flag of Haiti is blue and red, arranged in two horizontal bands of equal length.

This flag is inspired by the tricolor French flag, adopted by the French Revolution, whose white part, considered the symbol of the white race and not of royalty, has been torn. On May 18, 1803, during the congress of Arcahaie, bringing together all the leaders of the Haitian Revolution, Jean-Jacques Dessalines tore off the central white part of the French tricolor flag. Catherine Flon took the two remaining pieces, blue and red, and sewed them together to symbolize the union of blacks and mulattoes and create the flag of Haiti of the Republic of Haiti. The flag presents in its center a coat of arms with rifles and cannons, copying the header of the French generals of the Santo Domingo expedition1.

Headed paper of French generals during the Saint-Domingue expedition.

Under the Duvalier dictatorship, from 1964 to 1986, it was replaced by a red and black flag.

Ten days after the overthrow of Jean-Claude Duvalier, on February 17, 1986, the historic national flag was officially rehabilitated and confirmed by the 1987 constitution voted in the referendum of March 29, 1987.

The arms of the Republic are: The palm tree surmounted by the cap of freedom and, shading with its palms, a trophy of arms with the legend: “Unity is strength”.

Since 1938, the patriotic song Fière Haïti, also known as "Hymne à la jeunesse", written in 1937 by Édouard Antonin Tardieu, following competition from the Ministry of National Education, and whose music was composed by Desaix Baptiste, is sung every May 18, Flag Day. It is also sung during the raising of flags, especially in schools. Wikipedia

The historicity of the flag

The French flag flew over the French colony of Santo Domingo for more than a century until February 1803. The black leader, the precursor to independence, Toussaint Louverture, adopted the French tricolor in 1798. In January 1801, he was appointed governor and directed the whole island, then by the constitution of July 8, 1801, became Governor for life. In June 1802, Toussaint Louverture was taken prisoner by Napoleon Bonaparte and deported to France, where he died.

In February 1803, at the Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the leader of the Black insurgents, and Alexandre Pétion, the leader of the Mulattoes, decided to no longer fight alongside the French. During the Arcahaie Congress on May 18, 1803, Dessalines removed the white band from the colonial emblem to give birth to the first Haitian standard symbolizing the union of mulattoes and blacks in the struggle for their freedom. It had the motto "Liberty or Death" written on it. Dessalines was then appointed general-in-chief of the army of the insurrection. Catherine Flon, the daughter-in-law of Dessalines' wife, was in charge of sewing the two bands, blue and red.

On November 18, 1803, the capitulation of the French troops at Vertières sealed the independence of Haiti. On January 1, 1804, the leaders of the Revolution decided to change the flag by arranging the colors horizontally. It was the first official flag of the free and independent Republic. The Constitution of 1843 will confirm this horizontal two-tone flag (article 192).

On October 8, 1804, Dessalines proclaimed himself emperor under the name of Jacques 1er. It then adopted, on May 20, 1805, a new black and red vertical flag. These colors symbolized the words: "Freedom" (red) or "Death" (black).

After the events of October 17, 1806 at Pont Rouge, where Jean-Jacques Dessalines was assassinated, the country, for 14 years, was divided into two parts, on the one hand the North and on the other hand, the South and the West. . , governed respectively by Alexandre Pétion and Henri Christophe. Alexandre Pétion redesigned the flag the same year, using the blue and red of 1804, adding "L'Union fait la force" and a square of white cloth in the middle of which were placed the arms of the Republic adorned with the cap of liberty ( Phrygian cap). This flag flew above the National Palace for 158 years until 1964.

On December 27, 1806, General Henri Christophe was appointed president and was recognized by the North, the North-West and later, in 1807, by the Arbonites. On March 28, 1811, he proclaimed himself king under the name of Henry I (1811-1820). The Emperor kept the colors of the imperial standard of the Kingdom of the North (1805) but slid the red band on the side of the mast with in the middle, an escutcheon with a phoenix surmounted by five gold stars on a blue background. A crown is arranged above the phoenix and in the circle, a Latin inscription 'ex cinerebus nascitur' "from the ashes, I will be reborn". The kingdom of Henry I was abolished in 1818 following the conquest of the North by Alexandre Pétion, proclaimed president on March 19, 1807, and who imposed the blue, red, horizontal flag. Jean-Pierre Boyer succeeded him on October 8, 1820 but kept the same flag.

On February 9, 1822, Jean-Pierre Boyer annexed the Spanish part of the island (today the Dominican Republic) which, a few months earlier, on November 30, 1821, proclaimed its independence from Spain under the name of "Republica del Haiti espanol". ""Spanish Republic of Haiti" and at the same time, its union with Gran Colombia. The flag of the Spanish Republic of Haiti was raised in the first weeks of 1822, but it was the flag of Gran Colombia in A Republic that Boyer wasted no time in dissolving.

An attempt to rehabilitate the black and red flag, undertaken in 1844, was a failure. In 1847, Faustin Soulouque was elected president and in 1849, proclaimed himself emperor under the name of Faustin I (1849-1859). In its Constitution of 1849, it adopts the blue and red flag but replaces the coat of arms with a crest. The Empire of Faustin I came to an end on January 15, 1859 and the coat of arms of the Republic returned to its original place, in the center of the flag.

François Duvalier, Papa Doc, was elected president in 1957 and in 1960 seized all the powers. In 1963, he created the single party. A new Constitution was adopted on May 25, 1964, which adopted the black and red flag. The latter was officially confirmed on June 21, 1964. However, the coat of arms of the Republic was retained. Duvalier died on April 21, 1971 and was replaced by his son, Jean Claude, proclaimed president for life. Following a popular revolt, Jean Claude left power in February 1986.

On February 17, 1986, 10 days after the departure of Jean-Claude Duvalier, the nation readopted the blue and the red which would be ratified a year later, on March 29, 1987, during the plebiscite on the 1987 Constitution.

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Published by Black Wall News

What you need to know right now about Ukraine and Russia

 Ukraine and Russia: What you need to know right now

Moscow said 1,730 Ukrainian fighters surrendered to Mariupol in three days, including 771 in the past 24 hours, demanding surrender on a much larger scale than kyiv has acknowledged since ordering its garrison to withdraw.


* Ukraine's Territorial Defense Force said its fighters blew up an armored train carrying Russian troops. Still, an adviser to President Volodymyr Zelinskiy later said the attack was limited to the tracks near the train.

* More than half of the Ukrainian fighters in the bunkers under the Azovstal steelworks have surrendered, the leader of the rebel Russia-backed Donetsk region says, and the International Committee of the Red Cross says that he recorded them.

* The head of the World Health Organization has urged Russia to ensure safe access to places in Ukraine that its troops control or besiege to enable health care delivery.

* A Ukrainian prosecutor on Thursday asked a court to sentence a Russian soldier to life in prison for killing an unarmed civilian in the first war crimes trial stemming from the February 24 Russian invasion.

* The White House is working on getting advanced anti-ship missiles into the hands of Ukrainian fighters to help defeat the Russian naval blockade, officials said, as more powerful weapons that could sink Russian warships step up the dispute.


* Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said he and finance ministers from the wealthy Group of Seven countries had discussed "practical steps" to help Ukraine recover from the war with Russia.

* Group of Seven financial leaders is expected to agree on Thursday and Friday about $15 billion to help Ukraine pay its bills in the coming months.

* US President Joe Biden met with Swedish and Finnish leaders on Thursday to advance their demands to join the NATO military alliance in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as Turkey repeated its opposition to this decision.

* Russian Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley held a phone call, RIA news agency reported on Thursday, citing the Russian ministry of the defense.

* The European Parliament has called for former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to be blacklisted if he does not leave the board of Russian state oil company Rosneft in a bid also to dissuade him from taking a job as management at Gazprom (MCX:GAZP).


* Ukraine has exported 643,000 tons of grain since the beginning of May, considerably less than the same period last year when it sold 1.8 million tons abroad, the report said. The Minister of Agriculture.

* UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was in 'intense contact' with Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, the United States, and the European Union in a bid to restore exports of Ukrainian cereals as the global food crisis worsens.

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Repost by Black Wall News

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Hacker Unlocks and Starts Tesla Vehicle


Hacker Unlocks and Starts Tesla Vehicle

Security consultant, Sultan Qasim Khan, has discovered a way to utilize vehicle protocols on Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) Model 3 and Y cars to unlock and start the vehicle. Kahn is also able to roll down windows and adjust the radio using the technique.

The hack, Khan said, isn’t specific to Tesla, but utilizes the vehicle's keyless entry system, which relies on what’s known as a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol. BLE protocol was designed to conveniently link devices together over the internet, though it’s also emerged as a method that hackers exploit to unlock smart technologies including house locks, cars, phones and laptops, Khan said.

NCC Group said it was able to conduct the attack on several other carmakers and technology companies’ devices.

There’s no evidence that thieves have used the hack to improperly access Tesla vehicles. Khan said he had disclosed the potential for the attack to Tesla and that company officials didn’t deem the issue a significant risk.

By Michael Elkins in Investing

Repost by Black Wall News.

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